Sleeping Dog Pictures

13 years ago

If you have a dog, you've no doubt caught them sleeping in cute, bizarre, or completely improbable ways. Somewhere along…

What Foods Are Toxic To Dogs?

13 years ago

A lot of owners enjoy giving their dogs human food. Most are aware that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but…

Is Your Dog Afraid Of Thunder?

13 years ago

Dogs and thunder often aren't a great mix. Fear of thunder and other loud, unknown noises like vacuum cleaners or…

My Dog Has Diarrhea. What Do I Do?

13 years ago

If your dog has diarrhea, your first instinct may be to call the vet. A dog with diarrhea can usually be…

Hero Hound Helps Get Osama

14 years ago

I'm sure many of you watched with satisfaction the news that Osama bin Laden had finally been found and justice…

WebMD for Dogs

14 years ago

If you've been reading my sporadic blog posts, you've probably noticed that many of my writings involve dog health. That's…

Toys for Blind Dogs

14 years ago

We recently started a new and unexpected phase in our dog's life... blindness. She was stricken with S.A.R.D.S (which is…

The Bright Side of Dog Poop

14 years ago

It's an annoyance that all dog owners have to deal with when they take their dogs to the park. In…

Can Dogs Get Colds?

14 years ago

I recently had my mother-in-law ask me if dogs can get colds. She had just gotten back from a trip…

Lifeguard Dogs To The Rescue!

14 years ago

Millions of visitors crowd Italy's beautiful sun-drenched coast every summer, drawn by pristine beaches, azure waters, and vibrant seaside culture.…