In a previous article, we discussed what foods are toxic for dogs. While we don’t recommend feeding your dog a lot of “human food” due to possible digestive upset, there are some foods that are safe for dogs and even good for them. Feel free to give your dog a treat or two with the … Read More…
Photo by Michelle Kennon Many dog owners dread July 4th, for their dog’s sake. The loud noises can make dogs nervous and even fearful. Keeping your dog calm can be difficult. There are some simple things to make sure your dog feels safe and secure over the holiday. If you’ve read our article on what … Read More…
Dog lovers already know the benefits of having a dog in the house, but researchers have strengthened that argument with their findings in a recent asthma study. They discovered that the dust in houses where dogs live differs from that of dust in non-dog homes and those differences make a big difference when it comes … Read More…
If you have a dog, you probably know that fleas can be quite a nuisance, especially during the summer. While generally not dangerous, they can cause dermatitis, anemia, hair loss, and tapeworms if ingested. They can also be very hard to get rid of because they can lay up to 600 eggs in their lifetime. … Read More…
A lot of owners enjoy giving their dogs human food. Most are aware that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but there are many other foods toxic to dogs of which dog owners should be aware. We’ll make this list as comprehensive as we can, however, we might inadvertently miss a few things. Here’s a quick … Read More…
Dogs and thunder often aren’t a great mix. Fear of thunder and other loud, unknown noises like vacuum cleaners or fireworks can severely distress our canine companions. The way our dogs deal with the fear of thunder, including barking and hiding, can cause problems that are difficult or annoying to deal with. There are many … Read More…
If your dog has diarrhea, your first instinct may be to call the vet. A dog with diarrhea can usually be successfully treated at home. If your dog is looking, acting very sick, or has blood or mucous in its stool, it is probably best to see or consult the vet first before home treating. Dogs … Read More…
If you’ve been reading my sporadic blog posts, you’ve probably noticed that many of my writings involve dog health. That’s because our pup has had a rough year. Being the concerned dog parents we are, we’ve done research to make informed decisions regarding our dog’s medical care. I am amazed that in all my research, … Read More…
We recently started a new and unexpected phase in our dog’s life… blindness. She was stricken with S.A.R.D.S (which is another post I’m working on) and our world was turned upside down. Our smart, outgoing 7 year old lab/beagle mix, in a matter of a few weeks, lost most of her sight. She became a … Read More…
I recently had my mother-in-law ask me if dogs can get colds. She had just gotten back from a trip and picked her dog up from staying with its brothers and sisters at his previous foster home. He seemed to be a bit lethargic and under the weather. Well, the short answer I gave her … Read More…
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