As many of you probably know, a lot of the dog treats on the market are pretty much junk food for dogs. With that in mind, I tried to find something a little bit healthier for our dog. I’m not a dog nutritionist, so I don’t know if I succeeded or not, but I tried my best. It was difficult to find anything without grains in it. We prefer mostly meat for our dog’s treats. All the meat treats available at the store were ones we’d tried and I wanted to try something different. I saw the Newman’s Own Organic Premium Dog Treats, read the label, and decided to give it a try.
Newman’s Own Organic Dog Treats come in four different flavors: Chicken, Peanut Butter, Turkey and Sweet Potato, and New Zealand Ranch Style (lamb and sweet potato). I purchased the chicken flavor. This product is certified organic. They even print the certificate number right on the label. The ingredients are simple: barley flour, ground chicken, blackstrap molasses, carrots, apples, chicken fat, rolled oats, and rosemary extract.
Our dog is very food motivated, so I had no doubt he’d like whatever treats we offered him and I was right. He loves this treat. That said, when offered a choice between this treat and a meat treat, he’ll go for the meat treat first. It probably has to do with smell and taste. The Newman’s Own dog treat smells and tastes a little bland. Yes, I did taste it. No, I have never tasted a dog treat before and probably never will again. (Honestly, I don’t know how Bill Maxwell did it.) You can definitely taste the blackstrap molasses in it. It’s clear to me, dogs don’t have as discriminating a palette as humans do! But, he enjoys this treat, which is what really matters.