October is National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month. If you’re looking for a dog, please consider adopting a shelter dog. There are plenty of wonderful dogs at shelters who need loving homes and have plenty of love to give. We adopted a shelter dog eight years ago and she was the smartest, sweetest, and most loving dog we’ve ever known. She was appreciative for the home and attention we gave her and gave us plenty of love and affection in return. Unfortunately, our sweet dog crossed the Rainbow Bridge last week and we will be adopting a shelter dog this month.
Here are some great tips for the first 30 days of dog adoption from PetFinder. If you aren’t able to adopt a dog yourself, there are other ways you can help shelter dogs. Donate a Facebook status or Twitter tweet to get the message out about National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month. Donate money, time, or items from a wish list to a local shelter. Volunteer at a shelter or sign up as a foster family for dogs in need. Urge people you know who are looking to get a dog to consider a shelter dog.
For all of you who have adopted shelter dogs, thank you! Please leave us comments about your experience.