In a previous article, we discussed what foods are toxic for dogs. While we don’t recommend feeding your dog a lot of “human food” due to possible digestive upset, there are some foods that are safe for dogs and even good for them. Feel free to give your dog a treat or two with the following foods, in moderation and after consulting with your vet, of course.
Foods That Are Safe For Dogs
Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and phytonutrients that are known to protect against cancer in humans. Be aware that apple seeds do contain a small amount of cyanide. While there’s not enough toxicity in a single apple seed to cause problems, taken in larger amounts, it could cause problems. So be sure NOT to feed your dog the seeds or apple core.
Green Beans
Green beans are a good source of manganese, vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber. Many vets recommend replacing some of your dog’s regular food with green beans if your dog needs to lose weight because they’re very low in calories and tend to fill your dog up. If your dog doesn’t care for green beans, try offering them frozen.
Yogurt is a good source of calcium, protein, and live bacteria which act as probiotics. If you want to feed your dog yogurt, some precautions should be taken. Make sure you pick a plain yogurt that has no sugars or artificial sweeteners. Bacteria thrive in a sugar rich environment, which can cause problems with your dog’s digestion and overall health. Also, beware that, like humans, some dogs cannot handle lactose well. There are some specially formulated yogurt treats for dogs that give your dog all the nutritional benefits without the mess and guess work.
Salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which are great for your dog’s coat, skin, and immune system. Be sure the salmon is cooked thoroughly before feeding because salmon has been known to carry parasites. Or, you can opt for salmon jerky dog treats.
Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melons are all safe for your dog to eat. Watermelon, especially, is a great summertime treat for your dog, especially if well-refrigerated or even frozen.
Peanut Butter
Most dog owners who’ve ever had to give their dogs oral medications have probably tried the “peanut butter trick” by slathering the pills with peanut butter to make them palatable or to “fool” their dog into taking them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but I guarantee your dog with finish off the peanut butter whether or not they take the pill. If you give your dog peanut butter, be sure to choose a no sugar or preferably organic type and, as always, only give in moderation. Aside from being a delicious treat, peanut butter is good for your dog’s coat as well as immune system.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and huckleberries all have antioxidants that are good for your dog (and you). For a nice summertime treat, try offering them frozen.
Pumpkin is a good source of fiber in addition to beta-carotene. Dog’s need fiber in their diet to keep their GI tract healthy.
Eggs are a healthy treat for your dog that’s full of protein. Be sure to cook them, as raw eggs can cause health problems, such as biotin deficiency, in dogs.
Oatmeal is another good source of fiber for your dog. It should always be cooked thoroughly and only plain oatmeal with no sugar, artificial sweeteners, or flavorings should be given.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain fiber, beta-carotene, manganese, vitamin B6, as well as vitamin C. There are many sweet potato dog treats available on the market or you can opt to buy at the grocery store and make your own.
There you are, several suggestions for foods that are safe for dogs. In conclusion, we remind you to always check before feeding your dog human food, unless you know for certain it is safe.